The Options tab gives access to advanced features:
Leading blank pages: number of blank pages to add in the beginning of the document. This is intended for traditional binding which requires blank pages in the beginning and the end.
Trailing blank pages: number of blank pages to add in the end of the document.
Right to left: For languages written from right to left, like Hebrew or Arabic, the layout must be mirrored.
Reference page: This is an important feature: by default the program takes the size of page 1 as reference to calculate the output size. If your document has pages of different sizes, this may lead to undesired results. A common example is Google books: There is always in the beginning of the file two information pages which are in Letter format. The book after that may have very different sizes, and most of the time it is not in letter size. If you need to control the size of the output page, you may have to use this parameter to indicate the proper reference page (3 for Google books, or even more than 3 in case the cover page has also a special size).
The Output frame in the Options tab gives you control on some aspects of the output file.
Output file name: By default, PDF-Booklet creates the output file name by adding -bklt.PDF to the file name (without the extension) of the source file name. If this does not meet your needs you can change this behavior here.

In the Output file field, you may choose a file, but this is not recommended because the file will be overwritten. But it may be used if you have a file that you generally use for your tests and which can be overwritten.
The normal way is to use parameters as in the default shown above :
The %F code will be replaced by the actual file path and name, without the extension, then -bklt.PDF is added to it.
You can change this, but it must be noted that the %F parameter can be used only in the beginning of the output file name because it is replaced by the full path, including the drive letter (or the / in Linux).
Other possible codes:
- %P: Path
- %N: Name
- %B : Basename
- %E: Extension
Let your mouse on the Text field to get a tooltip:

Example: if the source file is D:\My Documents\PDF files\testfile.PDF
- %F = D:\My Documents\PDF files\testfile
- %P = D:\My Documents\PDF files\
- %N = testfile.PDF
- %B = testfile
- %E = PDF
- Show PDF: if checked, the PDF file generated will be opened automatically at the end of the process
- Save settings with PDF: if checked, when a file is generated, an ini file is created with the settings you have used. Later if you want to do the same process on the same file (or use the same settings for another file) you will not have to start again all your tuning. This important when you have made sophisticated transformations.
- Overwrite output files: if checked, there will be no warning if the output file already exists. Note that you may still have a warning if the output file is already opened in Adobe Reader, because it cannot be overwritten in this case.
- Don’t compress output: Today PDF files are generally compressed. In case you want to have a look at the content, you can check this. Note that this will let uncompressed only the content which pyPDF has manipulated. Many resources will be still compressed. This is a very technical option.