Use the main window

Use the main window

The main window is divided in two: the commands on the left, and the preview on the right. This preview shows an exact result of your settings. The output is calculated by the same process which will produce the definitive output. You can resize the window to have a larger preview (try full screen).

You can select a page by clicking it. It will be surrounded by a red frame (see examples above in the quick discovery.

At the bottom of the preview there is a toolbar:

<<First page
<Previous page
>Next page
>>Last page
UpdateUpdate the preview (mostly automatic, but not always)
TransformationsOpens the transformations window
GoGenerates the output file

On the right, the program indicates the total page count of the output file and the number of pages already generated. Generation speed may vary hugely depending on the content of your output file: Very fast when you work on a single file (up to 100 pages / s) it may be much slower when the program must merge pages from different files in the same sheet (it may be as low as 2 pages).


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