Use the menu – “Projects”

Use the menu – “Projects”

When you have worked on some file(s) and made some delicate adjustments, it is recommended to save all the settings with it otherwise if you want, later, to modify something, you will have to do the job all over again.

You can do this in two ways: Automatically, by checking the option Save settings with PDF in the Options tab. When this option is checked, each time you create a PDF file, an ini file with the same name that the PDF file + “ini” is created in the same directory. If you move the PDF file, remember to move also the corresponding ini file. You can also use the Save Project menu. The Open Project menu lets you reload an ini file. The ini file includes the list of files, the pages selected, and the transformations done on the pages. The ini file is human readable and you can open it to see what were the settings used.

Saving a project is also useful when your work on a set of files is unfinished.

NOTE: We do not recommend the use of the automatically generated ini file to manage a project. This file may be overwritten when you are unaware of it. It is better to create a project file with a different name.


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